Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Vote "NO" Signs

People have been writing to ask about Vote "NO" signs. If you are looking for signs in Lake County contact the Republican Assembly of Lake County. If you are looking for "NO" signs for the D-300 referenda contact the Family Taxpayers Network at 847-428-0212 or email them at mail@thechampion.org. CRAFT has run out of signs many were stolen when we loaned them to the folks in District 1, District 2 and District 158 to fight their referenda. Many were also stolen during the District 50 referenda campaign, luckily they are not running any referenda this election.

To keep your signs from being stolen keep them as close to your house as possible but still visible for the public to view. Contact the police if any signs are stolen. Bravo to the first individual who catches a no sign stealer on video tape and gets them prosecuted.

Fancy signs are not needed. You can make a sign on your own rather cheaply. Go to Home Depot or Mernards pick up a couple of two by fours a can of spray paint and a sheet of ply wood and make your own vote no sign. A few nails and a hammer and in minutes you will have your own sign. The cost of a no sign is much cheaper than raising your property taxes forever.

The other great thing is as soon as the opposition puts up their signs it is a great reminder for the no voters to get to the polls and vote.

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